sign is a very offensive gesture because it is used to depict a private bodily orifice. Urban Dictionary: thumbs up One of the most misinterpreted hand gestures world-wide is the thumbs up. 2. (Photo: Alejandro Moreno de Carlos/Stocksy) 10. You are wrong. - Do not cross your legs when sitting. Apparently, a long time ago, pointing the index finger was thought to administer a hex. Hand gestures that can be offensive around the world - Fox News Non-verbal communication is communication that occurs without words which is continuous. Hand Gestures in Different Cultures Not Many of Us are Aware Of It was once the gesture of hitchhikers, back in '70s and '80s, when peniless hippies fro. They revere the head as sacred. HANDS OFF - Chicago Tribune in the U.S. has pretty awful meanings elsewhere. Relying on these Indian gestures is so much a part of their culture that people do it all the time. That's a lot of thumbs-up haters. Things Americans Do That Are Rude Around the World - Insider Basically, you are telling a person that you hope he gets something inserted up his bottom. Thumbs up Traditionally, giving someone the "thumbs up" gesture is similar to giving them the middle finger - ultimately derogatory in nature. Thumbs-Up The thumbs-up signals approval in the U.S. and on Facebook, but in Afghanistan, Iran, parts of Italy, and Greece, it . . A gesture that, in Australia, means "Up Yours!" and is likenable to the extended middle finger in America. Come on over. The "Okay" or "A-OK". Thumbs up, thumbs down for each team's 2016 NFL draft class 7 Innocent Gestures That Can Get You Killed Overseas Thumbs Up. The thumbs-up sign has been confusing people for thousands of years. . If you want to hitchhike there, you just flap your hand up and down.''. It is not much appreciated in Italy either: For millions of Italians it is the cornuto . OK sign This hand gesture is also positively used in many areas meaning everything is fine, okay, or good.