Fixing WSL2 localhost access issue in … Resolved. Ubuntu subsystem (WSL) could not resolve corporate and non corporate domains while on or off vpn. Fixed. Must create /etc/wsl.conf file a... The logs are as below, the DNS servers are, as I have verified them by nslookup in windows. Then I decided to upgrade to WSL 2 and - similar to many others - I lost internet connection. 1. WSL sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf. networking - Why is there no network connectivity in Ubuntu using … All the problems on the web told me to check out the dns resolution things, and that didn't work, because I was doing IP. Edited resolv.conf to contain only the DNS servers provided by the Cisco Anyconnect VPN NIC: nameserver X.X.X.X How to Use Private Sector to Promote Social Change. Now DNS in WS... DNS DNS I had set WSL2 to be the default, and I could not connect to any IP address. This guide will cover each of the settings options, when to use each file type, where to store the file, sample settings files and tips.
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